In 2020, especially in times in crisis such as COVID-19, the internet is at its peak with online services, scams, and much more.
However, if you found your way you this article in particular – the topic may be more sensitive than most. Learning how to remove mugshots online or who you can call to help you delete a mugshot ranking on Google.
The good news is that there are a plethora of companies (mentioned below) that are able to assist individuals with removing mugshots from over 500 mugshot publication websites in existence.
Best Mugshots Removal Services in 2020:
- EraseMugshots
- GuaranteedRemoval
- RemovePersonalInformation
- InternetPrivacy
- NetReputation
- ReputationDefender
- WebiMax
- ReputationManagementConsultants
- ReputationRhino
Do you know what Google says about you? Did you know that 90% of American adults say that their Google search results are less than flattering? Or even worse – nonexistent.
What the internet says about you can be the difference between being successful, crushing all your dreams, and hitting all your goals – to a barrier you can never overcome. Learn what you can do today to remove mugshots on Google as well as hundreds of other databases.
How To Get Your Mugshot Offline
Once you have searched Google and located several mugshot sites showing your arrest report there are a few steps you still have to take.
Thankfully, some of these pesky mugshot sites offer free opt-out removal.
These forms are typically found on their CONTACT page or within the fine-print of their disclaimer on their TERMS OF SERVICE and/or PRIVACY POLICY pages.
So be sure to search for contact information out there.
In order to be compliant with some of the most popular search engines in existence, mugshot sites are required to display some form of contact information.
Whether this is a phone number or email they must provide something – the problem here is 90% of them are invalid.
How To Remove Mugshots From Google
After obtaining some form of contact information from your desired mugshot site – begin by composing a polite email with a simple request.
Always provide documentation to discredit their publication, as a majority of the time these mugshot sites will not remove a post just because “you don’t like it”.
Repeat these efforts until they answer – this process may take a while as I am sure you can imagine the number of removal requests that get daily.
This circles back to our previous point – these mugshot site owners receive LOTS of emails. So by being rude will only find you in the trash (or even spam) folder quickly.
If this process proves to be unsuccessful over the course of months – contact the professionals. Companies such as GuaranteedRemoval offer FREE MUGSHOT REMOVAL CONSULTATION where a real person will walk you through every step of the process. What are you waiting for? Click the link above or call, (833) 873-0360, to get your free analysis,